The 22nd Arvo 2022 Conference, on "Diabetic Macular Edema and Color Perception" was attended by the Laboratory of Experimental Ophthalmology, Medical School, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, and the 1st Ophthalmology Clinic, AHEPA Hospital, Aristotle University. Almpanidou S., Almaliotis D., Papadopoulou P. E, Karamitopoulos L., Topouzis F., Karampatakis V.

    The 55th Panhellenic Ophthalmological Congress was successfully held with the theme "Photostress Recovery Time (PSAT) in various ophthalmic diseases". The conference could not be absent, the Laboratory of Experimental Ophthalmology of the Department of Medicine of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, which took place on 19-21 May 2022 at Makedonia Palace in Thessaloniki. The representatives of the department, Almaliotis D., Albanidou V., supervisor Prof. Karbatakis V., gave their presence.

    The participation of the Department of Medicine of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki in the 36th International Conference of the Hellenic Society of Intraocular & Refractive Surgery, which took place on March 10-13, 2022, at the Athens Palace Conference Center, was held with success. The representatives of the department Stavroula Albanidou, Diamantis Almaliotis, Eleni P. Papadopoulou, Vassilios Karabatakis were present with their presentation entitled: "The diagnostic value of the examination of sensitivity to light contrasts in eye diseases that cause low" and "The speed of reading in various ophthalmological diseases".

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    Dr Konstantinos Chatzisavvas

    Address:VEPE Technopolis, Bld C2,
    55535 Thessaloniki, Greece



    +30 2310 365145

    +30 2310 365178




    Professor Vasileios Karampatakis Project Coordinator

    Address: Laboratory of Experimental Ophthalmology
    School of Medicine
    Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
    54124 Thessaloniki, Greece



    +30 2310 999924

    +30 6977 983183




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